‘The original reality show’ now in it’s 20thyear, Survivor is the show that tests the spirit of a group of ordinary, and yet extraordinary, people. Marooned on an uninhabited island with little more than the clothes on their backs and their own animal cunning, every second of their adventures as castaways is recorded over several weeks.
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A Global Hit
Launched in Sweden in 1997, variations of Survivor are now produced in over 40 countries, filming in 5 locations, with more than 230 seasons across all territories.
Smashing viewing records in France, USA, Netherlands and Spain
- One of the most-watched and loved formats around the world
- Produced in more than 40 countries
- After multiple seasons still airing in France, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, Israel, Sweden, Finland, Australia
- CBS (USA) – 40 seasons produced and still frequently attracting more than 8m viewers
- TV Azteca (Mexico) – first ever Lat-Am adaptation airing summer 2020
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