MOUCHE is the French adaptation of “Fleabag” created by Phoebe Waller-Bridge and produced in the UK by Two Brother Pictures. Mouche is a hilarious and poignant window into the mind of a dry-witted, sexual, angry, porn-watching, grief-stricken woman, trying to make sense of the world. As she throws herself into modern living, Mouche struggles to find her place in contemporary Paris, with all its frenetic energy, late nights and expectations. Mouche tears through the series sleeping with anyone who dares stand too close, scraping together money, rejecting anyone who tries to help her, whilst keeping up her bravado. Because that’s just the kind of screwed up, normal person she is. This is the thoroughly disarming narrative of a woman so totally detached, utterly lost, and ultimately wondering what the hell she ought to be doing in life. Much like the rest of us.