Wavemaker, the media, content and technology agency from GroupM and Content powerhouse, Banijay Asia, have partnered with Myntra to create India’s first digital reality show – Myntra Fashion Superstar. The show is aimed at identifying the country’s most sought after digital fashion influencer. The eight-part reality show stars actor Sonakshi Sinha and celebrity stylist Shaleena Nathani as judges.
The show will provide an opportunity to fashion aficionados with a knack for creating and projecting styles to bring forward their unique personalities, through digital and social-first content. Contestants will compete in a variety of fashion styling and digital content innovation tasks to showcase their penchant for fashion and be given the coveted title of India’s Fashion Superstar.
Speaking about the show, Achint Setia, Vice President, Marketing at Myntra said, “Consumers these days look for experiences coming from people whom they can relate to, which are more authentic. Fashion as a category is highly dominated by influencers who play a huge role in consumer’s decision making journey. Rather than create for them, we realised that we should put them in the centre and create with them and take the game to the next level.”
“Fashion and Entertainment dominate the lives of young Indians. To cater to their specific needs we decided to combine these two worlds and put together a truly unique and relevant reality show that’s bound to resonate with young India. We are delighted to have found a partner in Wavemaker to bring this idea to life”, says Deepak Dhar, Founder and CEO, Banijay Asia.
Commenting on the partnership with Banijay Asia, Karthik Nagarajan, Chief Content Officer, Wavemaker said, “In Myntra Fashion Superstar, we landed on an idea that was the perfect marriage between audience-centric, digital first content, which was also moving the needle on business goals. In Myntra, we had a client who was willing to push the boundaries and Banijay Asia was the perfect partner for us as their ability to create quality content and innovative concepts at scale, is unmatched in the country. We are delighted to partner with them for such a unique, path-breaking show that promises to merge the boundaries between reality television, digital content and fashion – creating a first of its kind genre along the way.”
The show format is created by Monia S Pinto, Banijay creative ream and the wavemaker team.